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Free Checkup: Could You be Sued? plus SEO Best Practices

MOST BUSINESSES have neither the time nor access to the latest updates, on things like…

  • Out-of-date Anti-spam policies
  • IMPORTANT: Invalid or missing Legal disclaimers
  • Incorrect or absent Terms of Use policy changes
  • Incorrect or absent Privacy Policy
  • Missing Cookies Policy
  • Incorrect or absent Copyright /DCMA notices
  • Missing Earnings Disclaimers or FTC Statements

But we have the time. And the expertise.

Fill out the form below if you want a free website checkup.

No strings. Guaranteed.

We'll need this to run your free website SEO analysis.
So we can email you with your website analysis report.
We'll only text you once unless you wish to talk further.

Most Qld Business Websites Leave Business Owners Open to Litigation

A RECENT study conducted by Brisbane media marketer Paul MacKenzie shows that almost all South-East Queensland businesses websites are leaving their owners open to litigation.

"Almost all of them haven't kept up to date with the latest legal requirements and the business practices," he says.

"In a world where the internet changes rapidly, most businesses neither have the time nor access to the latest updates on things like anti-spam policies, legal disclaimers and Terms of Use policy changes," Paul explains.

Paul says the problem doesn't rear its ugly head until a business gets an unhappy customer.

He says it's then that a customer can go over the business website and find anything wrong with the listed Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy and more.

"Incorrect or absent Copyright /DCMA notices, Earnings Disclaimers and FTC Statements can also leave a business open to legal action."

There are other non-legal issues as well.

"The myriad changes to Anti-Spam rules and to Google's SEO policies mean that websites that once enjoyed a good result in Google Search are now falling further and further back from the front page of Google Search Results," Paul says.

Paul advises business owners to contact a professional web and marketing specialist who can inspect their website and recommend the appropriate action.

"It's a case of getting a small job done now, instead of enduring a massive legal problem later."